
Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Configuring Context-Based Access Control (CBAC)


!----Task 1: Block Traffic From Outside
!--Step 2. Configure a named IP ACL on R3 to block all traffic originating from the outs ide network.
Configure terminal
ip access-list extended OUT-IN
deny ip any any
!--Step 3. Apply the ACL to interface Serial 0/0/1.
interface s0/0/1
ip access-group OUT-IN in
!----Task 2: Create a CBAC Inspection Rule
!--Step 1. Create an inspection rule to inspect ICMP, Telnet, and HTTP traffic.
ip inspect name IN-OUT-IN icmp
ip inspect name IN-OUT-IN telnet
ip inspect name IN-OUT-IN http
!--Step 2. Turn on time-s tamped logging and CB AC audit trail mes s ages .
ip inspect audit-trail
service timestamps debug datetime msec
logging host
!--Step 3. Apply the inspection rule to egress traffic on interface S 0/0/1.
interface s0/0/1
ip inspect IN-OUT-IN out
!----Task 3: Verify Firewall Functionality
!--Step 1. Open a Telnet session from PC-C to R2.
show ip inspect sessions

!Established Sessions
! Session 125752368 (>( telnet SIS_OPEN

!What is the source IP address and port number?
! (port 1025 is random)
!What is the destination IP address and port number?
! (Telnet = port 23)
!--Step 2. From PC-C, open a web browser to the PC-A server webpage using the server IP address .
show ip inspect sessions
!Established Sessions
!Session 104637440 (>( SIS_OPEN

!What is the source IP address and port number?
! (port 1025 is random)
!What is the destination IP address and port number?
! (HTTP web = port 80)
!--Step 3. View the interface configuration and inspection rule timers .
show ip inspect interfaces
!----Task 4: Review CBAC Configuration
!--Step 1. Dis play CB AC configuration.
show ip inspect config
!--Step 2. Display real-time output that can be used for troubles hooting.
debug ip inspect detailed

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